Qigong a zdrowie

1. Wykorzystanie nowatorskiego programu ćwiczeń Qigong u pacjentów z dystrofią mięśni (s. 20) http://www.tarnowskiegory.pl/files/ngos/187/material_konferencyjny.pdf

2. Qigong and Neurologic Illness http://www.bigheavenlittleheaven.com/article3

3. The application of qi-gong therapy to health care http://www.bigheavenlittleheaven.com/article5

4. Healing Cancer with Chi Kung Therapy http://www.healingtaobritain.com/p68magazinehealingcancerwithchikung.htm

5. Use of Qigong therapy in the detoxification of heroin addicts http://www.bigheavenlittleheaven.com/article2

6. Medical applications of Qigong and emitted qi on humans, animals, cell cultures and plants: review of selected scientific research http://www.bigheavenlittleheaven.com/article4

7. Exercisers slow it down with Qigong http://www.bigheavenlittleheaven.com/NYTimes5Apr07

8. The Next Yoga: a Sweat-Free Workout. Giving Up on Perfect Pecs, Boomers Embrace Qigong http://www.bigheavenlittleheaven.com/WSJournal13May03

9. Artykuł o naukowych badaniach nad stymulowaniem punktu Tan Tien (po angielsku): http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/admin/downloadFile.jsp?webId=1233929329351&userFolder=filestore&fileName=1238037982046006173.pdf

10. Shaolin Dan Tian Breathing Fosters Relaxed and AttentiveMind: A Randomized Controlled Neuro-Electrophysiological Study:http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/admin/downloadFile.jsp?webId=1233929329351&userFolder=filestore&fileName=1285517300859460132.pdf

11. Dejian Mind-Body Intervention Improves the Cognitive Functions of a Child with Autism:http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/admin/downloadFile.jsp?webId=1233929329351&userFolder=filestore&fileName=1302225817796004102.pdf

12. Dejian Mind-Body Intervention on Depressive Mood of Community-Dwelling Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial:http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/admin/downloadFile.jsp?webId=1233929329351&userFolder=filestore&fileName=1244078860140002716.pdf

13. Dejian mind-body intervention improves the functioning of a patient with chronic epilepsy: a case report:http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/admin/downloadFile.jsp?webId=1233929329351&userFolder=filestore&fileName=1263535575734002058.pdf

14. Traditional Chinese Mind-Body Exercises Improve Self-Control Ability of an Adolescent with Asperger’s Disorder:http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/admin/downloadFile.jsp?webId=1233929329351&userFolder=filestore&fileName=1263535554765002048.pdf

15. Effect of Qigong Therapy in Patients With Advanced Lung and Gastrointestinal Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy


16. A Comprehensive Review of Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi


17. External qigong for pain conditions: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials.


18. Qigong for hypertension: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials.


19. Effects of Qigong on Type 2 Diabetic Patients


20. Qigong Therapy For Heart Device Patients


21. Qigong For Treatment Of Fibromyalgia


22. Pre-Surgical Qigong Therapy for Women With Breast Cancer


23. T’ai Chi and Qigong for Health: Patterns of Use in the United States


24. Qigong Therapy for Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis


25. Yoga and Qigong for Elderly Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain (YQ-LBP)


26. Qigong vs. Aerobic Exercise in the Treatment of Childhood Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain


27. Qigong and Exercise for Neck Pain in Adults (QENA)


28. Qigong and Exercise Therapy for Low Back Pain in Adults (QEBA)


29. Biopsychosocial Effects of Qigong as a Mindful Exercise for People with Anxiety Disorders: A

Speculative Review


30.  Qigong as a Mindfulness Practice for Counseling Students: A Qualitative Study


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